

Interested in Exhibiting your studio?

Discover Interactive Pavilions

Embark on an enchanting odyssey as you venture through 25-30 pavilions meticulously crafted by Pakistan’s leading creative studios on the lush outdoor lawns of PNCA. These captivating pavilions represent a harmonious union of art and architecture, inviting you on a sensory voyage like no other. As you explore each pavilion, you’ll be immersed in an interactive and immersive experiences that challenge your perceptions, prompting you to see, touch, and feel art in a profoundly new way. These pavilions are not just structures; they are living canvases, each a testament to the unique ideologies of diverse studios.

At Goya, we invite you to discover the magic of creative expression where innovation knows no bounds. These pavilions are more than just showcases; they are gateways to new dimensions of creativity and inspiration. It’s a journey that will spark your imagination, evoke your emotions, and redefine your connection with art and architecture. Join us at Goya and be part of an extraordinary celebration where every step leads to a fresh perspective, and each pavilion is a story waiting to be explored.



Participating in the Pavilion is your chance to shine on a national stage, where your studio’s unique ideology takes center stage. It’s not just a platform; it’s a gateway to fresh opportunities, exciting networking sessions, powerful marketing campaigns, national acclaim, and a rich exchange of creativity. Don’t miss out – become a part of this extraordinary exhibition by clicking ‘Apply Now’ above.